Car Loan

Product Description

Own-A-Car Loan is intended to finance purchase of brand new vehicles:

Loan Maximum: 80% of the cost of a new vehicle, not to exceed $100,000.00
60-month maximum term
Payment frequency: monthly, semi-monthly
Recipients: Members with a steady source of income whose borrowers are classified as A, B, or C+, who have the required share capital, and are willing to open a Power Savings account.

Documentary Prerequisites

  1. Proof of Residence or Other Property Ownership if renting an apartment or living with parents for at least five (5) years within the area of operation
  2. The applicant’s permanent address must include a provision for a garage.
  3. A quote from a car/vehicle dealer
  4. Proof of income, such as employment certification, a business permit, invoices, bank statements, proof of billing, and so on, depending on the nature of the work.
  5. Proper identification